3.  Flaming with a room styles

3. Flaming with a room styles

We would like to show you an example of flaming styles with the room by putting the same work in a 3 different frames.
1. Unique vintage frame
2. Modern minimal style for your work space
3. Natural woody tone
Let's take a quick look at each styles!

1. Unique vintage frame

If you put the artwork in a frame that matches a fancy vintage armchair, it will give a quite stylish impression.
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2. Modern minimal style for your work space

If you unify your workspace with a modern and minimal style frame, it will create a space where you can concentrate calmly.
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3. Natural woody tone

Just like your favorite café, a room with plenty of wood and a relaxed impression goes well with a solid frame that gently blends in.
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We also accept consultations for customize frames
Feel free to contact us anytime for any kind of inquiries.
( business hours | Mon-Fri 10:00~19:00 /(Closed on Weekends))